Flatland - resolving

Posted: Thursday 3 March 2011 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

In light of the crit yesterday, its obvious to see i've spent too long on this brief. I'm over my proposed deadline but I left the brief for two weeks to enable me to move on and look at another project. I made some decisions prior to the crit yesterday which were well received, but I also had decisions to make surrounding the promotion and other delivery of the brief.

Things to consider are
- How am I going to promote this book?
- Where will it be sold? (exclusively in print or online, or both)
- How much would it cost, to buy and to print?
- How would it be printed?
- What stocks would I use?
- What print finishes could I include, if any?

I have been thinking about how I could make more of the package and promote the book online, perhaps as iPad and Kindle versions. This opens up the possibility to promote the book for these formats and how would I do that.

How will it look online?
Will it be different to the hardback cover option I have taken for print?
Would there be other advantages to buying an e-version?

All these questions have to be answered through research and development.


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