Hamish Muir Interview

Posted: Wednesday 27 April 2011 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

I've picked out a couple of questions which could work great as quotes which sum up my use of typography within my practice. I don't see myself as a typographer, I just like to use type.

How important is typography in your work?

I am a graphic designer who uses type. I am not a typographer. I happen to use type a lot. But to me ‘communication’ is more important. Typography is only a means to aid communication, not and end in itself.

Have you been influenced by the major Swiss graphic designers?
Well yes of course. But I realise that they were working in a very special environment at a different time. I think we can learn more from their approach to visual communication and design problem-solving in general than we can from looking only at the finished work out of context.

Conducted by Swiss Legacy


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