Football Information graphics

Posted: Wednesday 16 February 2011 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

As part of both my Design context brief and my giant killers brief I want to look at information graphics and football, where the two meet and why I find this kind of information fascinating.

First up the Guardian data blog was the most logical place to start my investigation, because they seem to capture information in a way that is intriguing, easy to understand and logical. I need to buy a newspaper on Monday to see the football section for the most up to date examples but here are a few from the blog.

The data here relates to England's downfall at the world cup, while the data below communicates the impact individual players have on formation.

This is not from the Guardian's website but it is a similar example of taking simple shapes and objects, display typography and colour to portray information in a way that is appealing to readers.


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