Quick catch up with Joe, which is always a pleasure. We discussed the briefs I am working on and the Garry Barker brief I finished. I explained my idea for the year book brief and he was supportive of it, and felt it could be a really strong image to use for the front. Joe mentioned that the lighting and the photography would have to be planned in advance under scrutiny to get the best possible result for the hard work we had put in.
We discussed client relationships and setting ground rules for content which I am now more aware of and will put into practice asap. I need to give the client a limit on the amount of words and images they can use on the spreads. We must aim to have some layouts mocked up for the next meeting with the images from last years year book.
If we don't secure the amount of content we need on time this would put the project under massive strain. We need to keep strong communication ties and attend our meetings and be prepared.
Joe also suggested looking at nousvous' work as they do installations and present them through photography.
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